The Site is owned and operated by:
Florence Mercier Paysagiste SARL
85, rue Mouffetard – Paris (75005)
RCS: Paris B 424 813 145
Phone : +33(0)1 44 08 80 25
The publication director is Madame Florence Mercier.
The Site is hosted by:
Head office: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.
Tél.: 0 820 698 765
Intellectual property
The company name “Florence Mercier Paysagiste” is the property of Agence Florence Mercier. The Site, the structures of data bases, texts, information, analysis, images, graphics, photographs, and more generally all elements figuring on the Site are the exclusive property of Agence Florence Mercier or third parties that have authorised use of their property for the purposes of the Site.
The present general conditions of use may not be interpreted as permitting any transfer of ownership concerning the elements cited above.
In consequence, the user engages to respect these property rights and formally undertakes not to carry out any reproduction, representation and more generally any use of elements published on the Site, in any form whatsoever, in whole or in part, on a commercial or non-commercial basis, without express written agreement of Agence Florence Mercier.
Agence Florence Mercier only accords the user a right of use strictly limited to navigation on the Site and visualisation of the original intellectual works and information here contained. This right of use is non-exclusive and non-transferable.
Personal data
The user is informed that his navigation and use of the contact forms present on the Site give Agence Florence Mercier the right to an automised processing of personal data.
The use of this data is subject to the provisions of the law n° 78-17 of 6 January 1978 “Informatique et Libertés” as modified by the law n° 2004-801 of 6 August 2004.
This data will be preserved and used with the sole purpose of improving the navigation of the Site and allowing the user to contact Agence Florence Mercier. The data will be preserved for as long as is necessary to achieve the purpose for which it has been collected and processed.
The obligatory fields of the forms from which the gathering of personal data is operated are indicated by an asterisk.
In accordance with the law, the user is entitled to access and to rectify the personal data that concerns him as well as to refuse the processing of the information concerning him. This right may be exercised via the contact form present on the Site.
Agence Florence Mercier makes every effort to ensure that this personal data is preserved in the best conditions of security and that its protection is assured in respect of current usage.
Furthermore, the user is informed that Agence Florence Mercier uses the technology known as “cookies” for the statistical processing of the data relative to the Site. To this effect, during the navigation of the Site, a cookie is implanted on the user’s computer. A cookie does not enable the identification of the user. In a general fashion, it registers information relative to the user’s navigation of the Site. The user may refuse the registration of “cookies”. It is his responsibility to configure his internet browser to this effect.